Privateers Alliance for Autism Acceptance

This month, PA will be going gold for Autism Acceptance! We will also be raising money for THREE charities WORLDWIDE. 

Autism Acceptance is a cause near and dear to our hearts. Many of the members of PA either know someone with autism, or have a form of it themselves. This event, down to the art done, has been put together with help from our autism community in PA, The logo was hand drawn by our own RoboticsChick who has high functioning autism.

We have chosen three worldwide charities to support this year! All of the money raised will be divided evenly between these charities. You can click on each logo to check out the good things they do for the autism community

Join us this month as we try to help better the lives of people with autism, celebrate the people who live with it, and know that autism isn't always BAD just DIFFERENT.

How can YOU help?

  •  Donate 
  • Join this campaign by creating your own fundraiser and getting the word out! YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE A MEMBER OF PRIVATEERS ALLIANCE TO DO THIS!! We welcome all gaming organizations, or individuals, to join us!
  • Buy something from our Autism Acceptance Collection at the PA Store
  • Educate yourself and others on what autism is from the people who live with it every day

Thank you for all of your support!


Meet some of the fundraisers that are part of this campaign

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